Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Uncle David and New Update

Joy was a good baby today. Perhaps she was excited because it was her uncle's birthday.  Happy Birthday Uncle David!

In other news...

Since my last update, we have been huddling with the doctors (pediatrician and feeding disorders coordinator at Children's Hospital) and consulted with Jennifer Berry at Spectrum Pediatrics.  The doctors are worried that Joy is not eating as well because of reflux and/or constipation and/or teething. Jennifer thinks that Joy is gaining too much weight (17 lbs and 13oz on 7/23 from 17 lbs and 2oz on 7/2) which means she's just eating too much and isn't hungry for the next meal.  She may also be more interested in table foods because well, they just taste better!

We all agreed to make the following changes:
  1. Increase reflux meds (prevacid) back to the normal dose of 2.5ml/day (we are now day 5 into this but it will take 2-3 weeks before we see any benefit); we had dropped her dose to 1.4ml starting the first week home
  2. Monitor her bowel movements and give pedia-lax if necessary (something we stopped using after the first week home)
  3. Change Joy's feeding schedule so that there is more time between meals and offer table foods as the main meal for lunch 

Yesterday was the first day implementing these changes...Joy still wasn't as excited for the pureed foods but she did seem to enjoy the table foods we offered...
Before (chicken, mushroom, broccoli, peppers, grapes)
After (at the end of the day)
And well, I guess Joy is also getting some calories eating mommy's hair.  She seems to have a fetish for eating hair and sucking her thumb at the same time.  Poor mommy!
Yummy Hair!
But it's ok.  It's the summer and it's hot outside...and we know the heat can make people (and babies) do crazy things!
Cool looking Joy
The other great news is that grandma (my mom) will be flying over from CA to help us out.  She arrives on 8/3.  Joy can't wait to play with grandma.  It's been a long time!
Grandma and Joy (Christmas 2012)

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