Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Smiles, Laughter, and Tongue Wagging??

God has blessed us with a child who continually makes us smile and laugh, even after a long and exhausting day at work, sleepless nights while pregnant (for Selena), and dealing with other crazy drama in our lives.  I hope these pictures and videos can make you smile and laugh as well!

Joy dancing to music

Ruff Ruff?
If you don't get it, watch this commercial.

Playtime with Daddy

Here is Joy using chopsticks for the first time!  She would make Mr. Miyagi very proud.

"Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything" 


This is also grandma's last week here with us.  She returns home on Saturday and all of us, especially Joy, will miss her! Thankfully she will be returning in January to help us when baby #2 arrives.
Grandma and Joy

Joy looking out the window for Mommy to come home
Joy crawling around for her stuffed animals

And for those who are interested to know, Joy's next endoscopy is scheduled for Nov 25 at DC Children's Hospital. The main thing we are looking at is whether Joy has eosinophilic esophagitis, which could explain why she is a bad eater these days.  We also need to do some blood work to confirm results from her latest allergy testing.    
Joy tested positive for tomatoes (bottom) and avocado (middle left).   She was negative for soy.

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